Saturday, 18 November 2017

Feeling of Security.

It is a common stereotype that a man should protect women.

While this is true, it's far from a whole picture.

Women also protect men, working emotionally & more.

i think true protection should be gentle, considerate & compassionate - so it can evoke feeling of security as well.

Feeling of Security also Protects, allowing people to function normally.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Loving Eyes.

Loving Eyes is name of Compassion Buddha, his mantra awakens compassion and
beyond-personal good.

True Compassion affects oneself as well as others, without self-compassion it's not complete.

Loving Eyes mantra is: 'OM MANI PEME HUNG', can be spoken quietly, in mind ... or aloud,
any amount of times.

Loving Eyes mantra makes one see perfection in oneself & in others, instead of faults.

It's uplifting, ennobling, compassionate as well as good to perceive oneself & others that way.

... it's pleasant experience as well.

At first one might not notice results, but with a proper understanding & intent, with enough of repetitions, one's mind becomes conditioned to react that way.

-=- A silver signet ring with Loving Eyes mantra engraved, in Tibetan Language. -=-

-=- Looking at it reminds me how i should be. -=-

Letting Feelings Go.

... it is a Buddhist Lesson & Practice to let feelings go, to calm Mind.

When a disturbing feeling - often accompanied with thoughts - appears, it's often better to not get too attached, to not fight against it too much as well.

Just notice the experience, notice and let it disappear.

Strong reactions, trying to oppose, to 'throw away' an experience from Mind makes it return stronger later - as is paying it too much of Attention, dwelling on it.

Oppose 'bad trips' of course, when thoughts & feelings are too insane, or when they put one into troubles or demand something too unwanted or ridiculous.

In other cases it's best to let things happen, to let go with the flow, in a long run.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Gentle Art.

Arts can be a fine & detailed, can carry messages that tell.

It is an Art Transmission that affects thoughts & feelings, that transforms a Mind State.

With an Art's Support one can relax, calm feelings as well.

There are different Arts, many gentle, others not so much.

It is Wise to select Arts well-suited to a situation, it can either calm, enrich, fascinate or protect.

Either admiration or creation can help, it's worth to try both.

-=- Calmness, Focus & Protection message. -=-

Professional Empathy.

How empaths can work professionally & earn money on an emotional work?

The most focused route is to be a psychologist, a psychotherapist, a coach or related.

They usually do not earn much, but it's still better than social welfare.

Earning too much on emotional work is mentally draining, so it's probably for the best to not earn a lot that way, anyway.

... i still wish to work & earn that way, but not too much, at any rate.

In many nations even mentally ill people can work that way, i am one of them.

i am on an European Union sponsored course to be an 'expert by experience', someone who works in a psychology / psychiatry teams in a complementary assistant role.

It's a beneficial & low-cost way to increase therapeutic success of therapies, proven already in many European Nations, including Germany.

This is probably the last article about earning money professionally on this blog - it's not about business or materialism, and certainly not a tool of increasing incomes.

See also, if You wish: Mental Health Assistant Qualifications.


Empaths are the sensitive people who feel emotions of themselves & other, even at a distance.

Empathic bonds are created according to one's Karma - the Buddhist Law of Cause & Effect - not with everyone.

Often we feel abused emotionally, either by insensitivity, or by manipulation.

We empaths do not need arguing to defend us when we feel abused. Loud voices & arguing worsens our state too much.

It's hard to work professionally and earn money when we work emotionally, hard but possible still.

We are not a burden, it's emotional vampires who are - paying taxes and working hard is just an excuse, but it's empaths who pay greater price for their earnings - having next to nothing or nothing for that.

We do not wish to live at cost of society, but there are too many who would enslave us - who would wish us to be 'emotional batteries' living at social welfare, and feeling superior just because they pay taxes, with or without telling us that openly in an emotionally draining way.