Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Empaths are the sensitive people who feel emotions of themselves & other, even at a distance.

Empathic bonds are created according to one's Karma - the Buddhist Law of Cause & Effect - not with everyone.

Often we feel abused emotionally, either by insensitivity, or by manipulation.

We empaths do not need arguing to defend us when we feel abused. Loud voices & arguing worsens our state too much.

It's hard to work professionally and earn money when we work emotionally, hard but possible still.

We are not a burden, it's emotional vampires who are - paying taxes and working hard is just an excuse, but it's empaths who pay greater price for their earnings - having next to nothing or nothing for that.

We do not wish to live at cost of society, but there are too many who would enslave us - who would wish us to be 'emotional batteries' living at social welfare, and feeling superior just because they pay taxes, with or without telling us that openly in an emotionally draining way.

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